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Hackathon for Development
9:00 AM, Jeudi 8 Juin 2017 (9 heures 30 minutes)
Coffee Break supported by SIG   10:45 AM à 11:15 AM (30 minutes)
Coffee Break supported by SIG   03:45 PM à 04:00 PM (15 minutes)

Do you have a novel idea for improving yours and others life in a sustainable manner? Does your idea involves IoT technologies?
This call is for you! Participate in the Hackathon event during the IoT Week 2017 and win amazing prizes. Propose your idea and develop your applications and services. This year, selected projects will focus on IoT solutions for tackling one or several of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN.


You must submit a “Project Proposal” not longer than 2 pages, that must indicate :

Who you are: (teams up to 4 persons, study level, country, university, something else you want to tell us…)
Problem description and SDG targeted
Proposed IoT solution (service, clients, application, sensors, objects, data sources, etc)
Expected impact (business, societal, environmental, etc)
Required infrastructure (hardware, software, service access, etc.)

Proposals must be sent to before April 30. Extended Deadline May 15

Proposals will be evaluated by the Hackathon organization committee, you will receive a notification of acceptance not latest than 2 weeks later.  We will select the most promising submitted ideas to be part of the Hackathon event. We guarantee confidentiality of your idea until the event.


The IoT Hackathon event will take place during the IoT week from 6 to 9 June  in the CICG (Centre International de Conférences – Geneva), Switzerland.

During these four days you will have access to Workshops given by ST microelectronics and Fiware and you will have also access to the required infrastructure (hardware and software) for implementing your project.


You will present your realization at the end of the event in front of a jury that will select the best projects to be awarded. Confirmed awards:

– The €5’000 IoT-Week Hackathon Siemens Award
– The 2’000 CHF ( €1’900) IoT-Week Hackathon ABB Award
– The €1’000 IoT-Week Hackathon Hasler Foundation Award

All participants will receive for free an STM32 Nucleo development board from ST.

Profesor/Institut inIT
Detail de session
Pour chaque session, permet aux participants d'écrire un court texte de feedback qui sera envoyé à l'organisateur. Ce texte n'est pas envoyé aux présentateurs.
Afin de respecter les règles de gestion des données privées, cette option affiche uniquement les profils des personnes qui ont accepté de partager leur profil publiquement.

Les changements ici affecteront toutes les pages de détails des sessions