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Smart Agriculture

Mon statut pour la session

2:45 PM, Mercredi 7 Juin 2017 (1 heure)
Coffee Break supported by SIG   03:45 PM à 04:15 PM (30 minutes)
Emerging IoT Researches and Technologies
  • What are in your opinion the most striking challenges of agriculture in the next decade and how can IoT help to solve them?
  • What is IoF2020 and how can it impact the IoT application in agriculture in Europe?
  • On which solutions are you working on currently?
  • What other markets and application fields do you see for European IoT technology in agriculture?
  • Is the innovation in Ag Tech currently more driven by larger industry players or by smaller SMEs and startups?
  • We see only 3% of world-wide investment going into agriculture while it creates still around 10% of the global GDP. Why is Ag Tech not sexy enough?
  • Is there political agenda for providing affordable AG Tech to developing countries and crisis regions in the Nearer East and Africa?

Mon statut pour la session


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