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The Chosen One: Love's Victory over Death

10:00 AM, Friday 22 May 2009 EDT (1 hour)
Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor
Mr. Gras will present a roundtable that explores the correlation between Harry Potter as "the chosen one", "love's victory over death" and the "connection between love and friendship overcoming death". We shall also discuss how Harry's sacrifice of his life to save others compares to other classic fantasy literary works such as C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia and Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Mr. Gras will also present the literary and social symbols of life and death. In this important aspect of Rowling's work with the Harry Potter story, we will discuss three main categories that explain the ways that love gains victory over death. J.K. Rowling understands the Biblical connection between friendship and love leading us to final victory over death. Mr. Gras will convey individual key moments from the seven-book Harry Potter series that best describe the elements where love and friendship overcame divisiveness and despair.
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