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Muggle Magic: Have They Caught Up With Us?

11:00 AM, Friday 22 May 2009 EDT (30 minutes)
Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor
As Mrs. Weasley said, "Muggles do know more than we give them credit for." Professor McGonagall will explore this point to some extent, comparing accomplishments in the Muggle world with those of the Wizarding World. How far do the two worlds overlap? What can wizards do that Muggles can't, and vice versa? Is the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy in danger of being obsolete? Urgent examination of these issues is a vital part of this presentation. Having presented her paper at Accio 2005 in England, at The 2005 Witching Hour in Salem and at Pheonix Rising in New Orleans in 2007, the author has since deleted and added citation of some technologies, and changed character references as J.K. Rowling unfolded her story about young Harry Potter and his adventures in the Wizarding World.
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