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Samedi 15 Avril, 2023

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Registration and Breakfast
1 heure, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Grand Ball Room

If this is your first day attending, stop by the registration table on your arrival. Pick up your packet and name badge. 
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Welcome to the Conference
30 minutes, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Radisson Hotel Nashua - Grand Ballroom

9:30 AM
9:30 AM
Is It Really Change We're After?
1 heure 15 minutes, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Grand Ball Room


B.J. Rogers, Emancipet (Conférencier.ère)

Though we often say that the work of our organizations is to "make change," much of the work we do i...
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
30 minutes, 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Visit our sponsors and exhibitors in the grand ballroom.  Network with other attendees.  ...
11:15 AM
11:15 AM
Does Every Pet Need to be Spayed or Neutered?
1 heure, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track A - Ocean


Alyssa Krieger, MSPCA (Conférencier.ère)

Alison Bremmer, MSPCA at Nevins Farm (Conférencier.ère)

Spoiler alert: the answer is no. Our preconceived notions and how we express them impact culture wit...

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track B - Patriots


Michael Keiley, MSPCA-Angell (Panéliste)

Alison Kleibor, Wisconsin Humane Society (Panéliste)

Lisa LaFontaine, Humane Rescue Alliance (Panéliste)

Join this discussion to hear from three shelter leaders who hav...
12:15 PM
12:15 PM
Vendor & Exhibitor Lunch
1 heure, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
1:15 PM
1:15 PM

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track A - Ocean


Augusta O'Reilly, Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville: Program for Pet Health Equity (Conférencier.ère)

Trauma-informed care is the belief that the individual you are providing care to has experienced som...

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track B - Patriots


Erin Doyle, ASPCA (Conférencier.ère)

It’s been more than 10 years since the Association of Shelter Veterinarians published the original G...
2:15 PM
2:15 PM
Vendor & Exhibitor Break
30 minutes, 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Visit our sponsors and exhibitors in the grand ballroom.  Network with other attendees.  ...
2:45 PM
2:45 PM

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track A - Ocean


Dr. Margaret Slater DVM, ASPCA (Conférencier.ère)

There are widely, although not universally, held potentially inaccurate, perceptions about clients, ...

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track B - Patriots


Heidi Marston, PetSmart Charities (Conférencier.ère)

Bobby Mann, Humane Rescue Alliance (Conférencier.ère)

The global pandemic forced the sheltering community to pivot and adjust to challenges. Some of these...
5:00 PM
5:00 PM

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Connecticut Humane Society, 701 Russell Road, Newington, CT 06111

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