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NASA Missions: Primary Source Documents Bringing the Past to Life Anchored at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

My Session Status

9:15 AM, Friday 5 Feb 2021 CST (45 minutes)
Space Center Houston (Hosting of all events take place on-line-virtually) - Virtual Classroom 5   Virtual session
This session is in the past.
The virtual space is closed.
Grades 6-12
Every mission has history. Every mission has an archive. This is the human story behind the Gemini and Mercury missions. These missions intersected with the former aircraft carrier Intrepid. Now the Intrepid Museum holds archival records of these missions. Come learn about these and walk away with great lesson ideas!

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00Intro (< 1KB)
SEEC 2.5.21 (4.14MB)

Who's Attending

Gerrie Hall
Director, School & Teacher Programs
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Michael Stevens
Museum Educator
Intrepid Museum
Shelly Grandell
G/T Science Educator
Jeffco Public Schools
Tammy Blobaum
9-12 Science Teacher & Department Head
Nebraska City High School
Meghan Jacquot
IT Support and STEM Educator
Yeshiva of Greater Washington
Mehmet Yetis Center
Science Teacher
Harmony Public Schools
Juanita Jackson
Aldine ISD
Necole Hanks Hanks
science teacher
Powell Middle School
Nathan Tubbs
STEAM Teacher; Homeschool Dad; Chaplain
SEEC CREW; Auburn University; Space Launch Delta 45
Dr. Cassandra Runyon
Director and Associate Professor
College of Charleston
James Putman
Science Teacher (secondary)
The Motivation to Learn
Stefanie Krimsky
Hillsboro Charter Academy
Kate McCann
Math Educator
U-32 Middle & High School/Washington Central Unified Union School District
Chelsey Mawson
K-5 Special Education Teacher
Wichita Falls ISD
Janice Crew
Washington Aerospace Scholars - The Museum of Flight
Anjana Pandey
Ashley Henry
M.S. in K-12 Education, NASA OKSG STELLAR Alumni/Mentor, CPS 5th grade Teacher
NASA Oklahoma Space Grant Consortium
Patricia Owens
Secondary Science Teacher
Two Roads
Mr. David Lockett
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow
James Adams
Incarnate Word Academy
Justin Bartel
Immersive Experience Manager
Science Museum of Virginia
Rose Gabud
Tekoa Academy of Accelerated Studies STEM School
Kati Searcy
Solar System Ambassador
Jenn Donais
K-8 STEM Coach | PAEMST 2016 | AFA/Rolls Royce 3rd Place National Teacher of the Year | Google Coach | PLTW Launch Lead Teacher | ST Math Champion
Amesbury public schools
Jackie Blumer
Earth-Space Science Teacher / LSI-1 Limitless Space Institute Educator / 2022 AIAA STEM Trailblazing Educator / Space Station Ambassador / AIAA K-12 STEM Coordinator (St. Louis) / Space Foundation Flight 23
Greenville Jr. High School
Carl Bergman
Dickinson High School
Katelynn McGriff
Pre-service Educator
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Sharon Rigsby
Murry J Frank Planetarium, Beaumont ISD
Adrienne Provenzano
NASA Solar System Ambassadors JPL-CalTech
9 other(s)

My Session Status

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