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Archon 48 Creator Alley

2 Octobre 2025, 6:00 PM - 11 Octobre 2026, 1:00 AM

Collinsville, IL, United States

No memberships are included with an Artist Alley Table. All people in Artist Alley are responsible for purchasing a membership. Artist/Creators may display ONLY their own works or works/creations that they represent.

All workers must have a valid convention badge. You may purchase ONE Artist Alley membership at special reduced price. To purchase additional Archon Memberships for Archon 47 please go to the Archon 47 Registration Page

SALES TAX ID- The State of Illinois requires ALL vendors to have a valid Illinois State Tax ID number or fill out the Special Event Tax Collection Report and Payment Coupon.

For more information on Archon 47, browse to

À propos 

Archon 48 Creator Alley
Début:   2 Octobre 2025, 6:00 PM
Fin:   11 Octobre 2026, 1:00 AM
Gateway Center 1 Gateway Drive
Collinsville, IL 62234
United States
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