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When RPG Designs Go Rogue: How QAGS 3E Became Cinemechanix

8:00 PM, Samedi 30 Sep 2017 (50 minutes)
Gateway Center - Cahokian

QAGS Second Edition has been delighting con-goers for over a decade, but a few years ago the Hex Games crew decided that it was time for some updates. It was a simple matter of tweaking a few things that were confusing or didn’t quite work. Then something happened, and before we knew it the game we were designing, while definitely strongly influenced by QAGS, was no longer recognizable as QAGS. We decided to call the new game Cinemechanix, and we’ve been playtesting and fine-tuning the system for a few years now with plans to release it in the next year. Join the Hex Crew for a sneak peek at the new game and some background on how it happened.

Hex Games
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