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Mahdi Abouei
McMaster University
Nubi Afolasade
Doctoral Student , University of Ottawa
Debdeep Chatterjee
PhD Candidate, Concordia University
Arash Faizabad
University of Sherbrooke
Mohsen Javdan
Assistant Professor, York University
Anamika Jayendran
Carleton University
Iryna Kalynychenko
PhD candidate, York University
Niki Khorasani
University of Alberta
Yuchen Lin
Smith School of Business at Queen's University
Corey McPherson
University of Waterloo
Deepesh Paudel
PhD Candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Atul Sharma
HEC Montréal
Zhe Shen
Ph. D candidate, University of Manitoba
Amina Tannaoui
Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion
Ean Tsou
University of Calgary
Vinay Yarlagadda
Toronto Metropolitan University

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