Rabbi Enger has served as a congregational rabbi in Bellingham, Washington, and in Chicago, as well as an organizational rabbi at the FaithTrust Institute in Seattle. At the FaithTrust Institute, she developed and directed the Jewish Program, working with both rabbis and congregations. Prior to entering the rabbinate, Rabbi Enger worked as an attorney in Chicago, first in a large law firm and later as an Associate Public Guardian on behalf of abused and neglected children and disabled adults. During that time, she served as a Temple President when her congregation entered into search for its first rabbi.
In addition to her rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Rabbi Enger holds a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University. Her lifelong commitment to learning has included writing workshops, Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training, Prepare and Enrich Facilitator Training, and Clinical Pastoral Education.
Rabbi Enger has taught in a variety of settings and is the author of a number of publications in both the Jewish and secular world. Examples of this include being a presenter in the CCAR Interim Rabbi Training program on being an “after-rabbi” (following a rabbi who left due to ethical misconduct). She is the author of an Eilu V’Eilu column on “What is the role of the rabbi in our congregations today?” (URJ, Volume 39, 2009). She co-edited the publication Domestic Abuse and the Jewish Community: Perspectives from the First International Conference, as well as A Journey Towards Freedom: A Haggadah for Women Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence (FaithTrust Institute, 2003). She served on a panel, “Contemplative Prayer and Embodied Healing,” at the Third Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, Chicago, 2014, and delivered the Memorial Address at Princeton University’s Annual Service of Remembrance, 2012.
Rabbi Enger also has important leadership experience in the Reform Movement. This work has included, among other things, representation on the CCAR/URJ’s National Commission on Rabbinic Congregational Relationships, the CCAR/HUC-JIR Joint Commission on Mentoring, and most recently on the CCAR Ethics Process Review Task Force on Notification Issues.
Rabbi Enger is a native of St. Louis, Missouri. She enjoys bike riding, kayaking and gardening, and delights in hiking with her dog, Max, a Great Pyrenees mix.