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Buses leave for Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K: (Run/Walk for Reform Judaism)

Mon statut pour la session

6:00 AM, Vendredi 26 Fév 2016 (3 heures)

To support Reform Judaism in Israel, CCAR rabbis will run or walk in the Tel Aviv Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, or 5K. Every rabbi who participates in the run/walk has the opportunity raise significant money to benefit Reform Judaism throughout Israel.

The Reform Movement in Israel, which is growing daily, aims to create an Israel that is democratic, pluralistic, and inclusive. You can help advance this vital work by fundraising through this meaningful journey in the Tel Aviv Marathon. Running or walking side by side, Reform rabbis and community members will make a significant statement about our commitment to Israel, while supporting it financially.

Official Tel Aviv Marathon Website

Mon statut pour la session


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