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Optional Pre-Convention Day of Study Program at Shalom Hartman Institute

9:00 AM, Mardi 23 Fév 2016 (3 heures)
Jerusalem - Shalom Hartman Institute
8:15 AM Meet at the Inbal Hotel and depart on foot.

Introduction by Yossi Klein-Halevi, followed by chavruta with fellow rabbis and concluding with further insights by Yossi who will interweave the texts with his own experiences and observations.

“Our Jewish Values and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Come explore the ideas and values that animate the different attitude s toward the conflict and how these values shape their own political understandings. What are the ways in which Jewish communities can accommodate difference and develop strategies of acceptance and belonging? Together with rabbinic colleagues, major thought-leaders and scholars, we will model a conversation about the conflict in which values and ideas, rather than politics, take center stage. 
Followed by Lunch.
12:30 PM. Transfer to hotels.
Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem
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