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New Trends in the Ultra-Orthodox Community

Mon statut pour la session

Off-site Trip
11:45 AM, Mercredi 24 Fév 2016 (6 heures)
Jerusalem - Departing from Knesset
Pre-Registration Req.
The ultra-Orthodox will be the first to admit that their existence today is little short of miraculous. Today in Israel, economic and societal pressures are constantly growing and have a deep effect on the community.  Will the ultra-Orthodox community integrate itself into 21st century Israeli society? Will choices of modernity irreparably divide the community from within? Will the rest of Israeli society learn to embrace and accept them so as to build a future together?
This track takes us into the Haredi world to meet with community leaders who are recognizing, and facing up to, those challenges. We will meet with people who are striving for a greater integration of the ultra-Orthodox in the 21st century, as well as those who have ultimately left the traditional Haredi way of life to follow a secular path. 

Woman should dress in long sleeves and wear skirts or dresses below the knee. Men should wear a kippah or hat.

Anat Hoffman


Avi Newman


Mon statut pour la session


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