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A Room Of Their Own - Women in Israeli Society

Pre-Registration Req.
Off-site Trip
8:45 AM, Jeudi 25 Fév 2016 (7 heures)
Jerusalem - Off-site Tracks
Begins at the Inbal

Despite progress economically and culturally, Israel has found itself culpable of major gaps between men and women in the workplace and throughout society.  Women have faced numerous setbacks for genuine equality, not just as they struggle against the male-dominant establishment, but also as they struggle to be heard in a society where women’s voices are often marginalized.

We will unearth many of the unseen struggles that women have faced in order to succeed in Israeli society, and we will gain an understanding as to why there are so few prominent women in politics and business. We will meet with inspiring women who are facing these challenges head on, as well as visit a grassroots initiative that is working to better the lives of young women in Tel Aviv through a distinctive model of social work and intervention. 
Dafna Fund
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