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Strangers in a Strange Land - Asylum Seekers and Migrant Workers in Israel

Mon statut pour la session

Off-site Trip
8:45 AM, Jeudi 25 Fév 2016 (7 heures)
Jerusalem - Off-site Tracks
Pre-Registration Req.
Over the past decade, thousands of asylum seekers have entered Israel through the Egyptian border, mainly coming from Eritrea and Sudan. Israel gave asylum seekers collective “temporary protection,” but the government has been exceptionally frugal with handing out “refugee status”. Still, asylum seekers continue risking their lives to come to Israel.   The government has recognized the recent influx as a demographic and security threat to the state, whilst failing to adequately address Human Rights issues.

In such a small country that is struggling to provide support and services to its growing population, is it Israel’s moral responsibility to absorb all of these African asylum seekers? In light of these challenges, how does Israel hear the Biblical injunction to welcome the stranger?

We will set out on a tour of South Tel Aviv to meet with refugees and asylum seekers from all over the world. We will meet with activists from the community and gain insight into their daily lives.

Yair Lootsteen


Galia Sabar


Sigal Rozen


Eli Nechama


Mon statut pour la session


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