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A City in Struggle - Spotlight on East Jerusalem

Pre-Registration Req.
Off-site Trip
11:45 AM, Mercredi 24 Fév 2016 (6 heures)
Jerusalem - Departing from Knesset
Even before the reunification of the city in 1967, Jerusalem has eternally been the “city of conflict”. Today, the future of Jerusalem sits at the epicenter of any future solution for the region. There are many claimants who are unwilling or unable to consider a state where Jerusalem is not at the heart. What concessions, if any at all, are the different factions willing to make in order to ensure a peaceful future for all?  In these difficult times, is there any reason to believe in an amicable future for Jerusalem?

We will explore the political and diplomatic complexities affecting the communities of East Jerusalem, travelling to specific fractious sites along the “seam zone”. This field Seminar led by the founder of 'Ir Amim' will present the most problematic political and military dilemmas and an alternative perspective presented by a Reform Movement leader who is involved in East Jerusalem.
Kids4Peace Organization
Vice President
Ir Amim
Founder and Attorney
The Temple Institute
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