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Sharing a City - Co-Existence in Jaffa

Pre-Registration Req.
Off-site Trip
8:45 AM, Jeudi 25 Fév 2016 (7 heures)
Jerusalem - Off-site Tracks
The UN Partition Plan of 1947 envisioned Jaffa as an Arab island surrounded by a Jewish country.  The Jewish population is growing and the city is ethnically mixed, but with growing gentrification is this depiction of diversity on the verge of extinction?

This day will take us to visit a preschool, where Jewish and Arab children learn together and about each other, in a multi-language, multi-cultural environment. We will tour the Ajami neighborhood and learn about its changing reality, before meeting with the staff of the Jewish Arab Community Center and hearing their views and experiences regarding Jaffa’s future as a city of coexistence.  
Mishkanot Ruth Congregation
Arab-Jewish Community Center
Executive Director
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