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Between Tzedek and Tzedakah - Israel and the Economic Gap

Pre-Registration Req.
Off-site Trip
8:45 AM, Jeudi 25 Fév 2016 (7 heures)
Jerusalem - Off-site Tracks
According to the Adva Center, Israel’s “macroeconomic indicators are good, but most households are not invited to the end of year celebration.”  Does the provision and distribution of services in Israel reflect Jewish values?   Can Israel call itself a “Jewish country” if Tzedek and Tzedakah are not the central principles driving societal, economic and cultural attitudes? 

We will discuss and debate how Jewish and Israeli values affect current socioeconomic gaps. We will see first-hand, the huge disparities within Israeli society, simply by walking a few blocks along South Tel Aviv’s streets. We will meet the people and see the places where NGOs are attempting to ease the day-to-day suffering of young victims of Israeli economic inequality.
Social Economic Academy
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