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The Innovating Spirit of Israel

Pre-Registration Req.
Off-site Trip
8:45 AM, Jeudi 25 Fév 2016 (7 heures)
Jerusalem - Off-site Tracks
Begins at the Inbal 

Even before Dan Senor and Saul Singer published "Start-up Nation” in 2009, the hi-tech hub of Israel was recognized as an exemplary business model for investors. Israel’s innovation laurels are several – it has the highest gross expenditure on R&D, has one of the largest amounts of companies listed on NASDAQ outside of North America, and the highest level of venture capital as share of GDP. What does the future hold for Israel’s “Start-up Nation”? 

On this day, we will visit some of the innovative highlights of Tel Aviv, meet with some of the great minds behind the flourishing accelerator scene, and see how the concept of “Start-up” has affected Israel beyond the realm of high tech.  We will also meet with venture capitalists to discuss the relationship between the community and start-ups.  

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