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Enjoy, Explore an Evening in Tel Aviv with Friends, Family, Colleagues and Special Interest Groups

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6:45 PM, Jeudi 25 Fév 2016 (2 heures)
Tel Aviv - Local Restaurants
(We recommend that you make dinner reservations no earlier than 8:00 PM)

On Thursday evening in Tel Aviv, there will be opportunities to sign up for special interest dinners.

We are having a special dinner for colleagues and their children who have made Aliyah. If your children have made Aliyah, we are asking you to invite them as your guests to this group dinner.  If you are interested in participating, please email Debbie Zecher at

Join Ellen Nemhauser, Center for Israel Education (CIE) Rabbinic Fellow, as she showcases the many special offerings from this  unique institution. Discuss the challenges and opportunities for teaching Modern Israel to students, young and old. Receive a free sample from our 2nd - 7th grade curriculum along with a chapter from our newest curriculum on Social Justice in Israel, both of which craft lessons from  primary sources. If you are interested, please email Ellen Nemhauser at

Join Arik Ascherman for a Rabbis for Human Rights Update on what the CCAR can do to prevent Jewish "Hiran" from being built on the rubble of Israeli Bedouin "Umm Al-Hiran." Discuss concrete steps that can be taken to save the endangered Israeli Bedouin villages of Umm Al-Hiran and Atir.  Arik will also give an update about positive developments regarding a government turn around on public housing for Israelis, RHR's educational programs, and the forthcoming book of Rabbi Ben Hollander's writings.

Kinneret Shiryon- Yozma, the Reform congregation of Modi’in is celebrating its “chai” anniversary this year. Learn how Yozma became a successful model for reaching out to secular Jews and bringing them into Reform Jewish Life.

Mon statut pour la session


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