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A Fully Inclusive Israel

9:15 AM, Vendredi 26 Fév 2016 (2 heures)
Introduction by Karen Fox

Israel, like every society, faces challenges as to the way in which we include adults and children with disabilities.  During this program, all participants will have the opportunity to engage with the phenomenal program that deals with rehabilitation through extreme sports. The program, developed in Israel, uniquely engages people in extreme sports as part of their rehabilitative process.  

Among the highlighted programs will be Etgarim, Israeli Association for the Disabled, Ruderman Foundation, TOM:Tikkun Olam Makers, Reut Institute Strategy Group, and Israel Trauma Coalition.

Special note:  Seven years ago, all participants at the CCAR Convention had the opportunity to experience Na Laga’at Theater, known as a “ground breaking stage”.  It’s aim is to integrate deaf and blind people in Israeli society, offering a unique theater experience.  If you have not seen it, think about buying tickets for Thursday evening in Tel Aviv. Its website is at
Counselor and Consultant, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
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