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Mike McFarland
Executive Staff Officer, Alberta Teachers' Association Local 55
Kathleen McFarlane
Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Michael McGhan
teacher, CBE
Mark McGovern
Calgary Seperate School District
Heather McGowan
CCSD st gerard
Morgan McGregor
Calgary Board of Education
Aubrey McInnis
Calgary Catholic School District
Jennifer McIntee-Leinweber
Registered Psychologist, Silver Willow Psychology
Kimberly McIntosh
Theresa McIsaac MSc RD
Health Promotion Facilitator, Alberta Health Services
Tara McIvor
MRU Teacher Candidate
Carla McIvor
Teacher, West Island College
Robert McKague
F/T Teacher, St. Francis High School
Mrs. Natasha McKay
Operations Team, Campus Calgary / Open Minds
Krista McKay
West Island College
James McKeage
Sir Winston Churchill High School - CBE
Susan McKeague
Program Manager, Alberta Council for Environment Education
Carly McKee-Bertwistle
Arts & Community Engagement Coordinator
Dr. Margot McKinnon PhD
Owner/Director of Spark the Spirit Productions, Spark the Spirit Productions
Twyla McKinnon
Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids
Danielle McKinnon
Calgary Catholic School District
Dr. Gerard McLarney PhD
Teacher, Elk Island Catholic Schools / St Isidore Learning Center
Jane McLauchlin
Calgary Board of Education
Jessie McLaughlin
Calgary Catholic School District
Jamie McLean
University of Calgary
Jamie McLean
Calgary Board of Education
Ms. Debra McLennan
Food & Nutrition Coordinator and Registered Dietitian, Alberta Pulse Growers
Morgan McLeod
Calgary Youth Justice Society
Vanessa McLeod-Mekonnen
Teacher / Director, EPSB / MMMathMania
Kelsey McMahon-Stoker
Learning Leader/Teacher, Forest Lawn High School
Jessica McMann
Cultural Facilitator, Wild Mint Arts/Arts Commons
Michael McManus
Ernest Manning High School
Barbara McMillan BA, MLS
Librarian, Calgary Public Library
Dr Carly McMorris
Registered Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor, Werklund School of Education
Nicole McMullen
Calgary Board of Education
Grace McNeely
Education Coordinator, Legislative Assembly of Alberta Visitor Services
Sandra McNeil
Assistant Principal, Calgary Board of Eduaction
Kaleigh McNeill
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Helen McPhaden
Stardale Women's Group
Paige McPherson
Teacher , Calgary Board of Education
Andrea McPherson
Calgary Catholic School District
Andrea McPherson
Calgary Catholic School District
Naomi McQuaid
CSSD - All Saints
Ms. Sarah Meade
Learning Leade- Indigenous Education, Calgary Board of Education
Meadow Schroeder PhD
Associate Professor, University of Calgary
Jenee Mealey
CSSD St. Timothy
Michelle Meaney
Calgary Catholic School District
Tiffany Medeiros
Schools & Groups Coordinator, SOGO Adventure Running
Connor Meeks
University of Calgary (ESA)
Ashley-Lynn Megliola
Ashley Megliola
Chiila Elementary School
Augenia Meier
Calgary Board of Education - Balmoral School
Emily Meldrum
Discovery Preschool
Vivo for Healthier Generations
Bridget Melnyk
Senior Education Coordinators, The Military Museums Foundation
Caij Meloche
St. Mary's University
Lillian Meloche
R T Alderman School
Kathryn Melrose
Executive Director, Alberta Council for Environmental Education
Robin Melting Tallow
Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Melissa Melville
Calgary Board of Education
Melissa Melville
Calgary Board of Education
Mike Meme
Judith Mendelsohn
Performing Artist, Bach Tots Performing Arts
Bernard Mendoza
Teacher, St. Joan of Arc Junior High School
Josh Menjivar
Jr. High Teacher, Calgary Calgary Catholic School District
Cassie Mercer
Facilitator, ATA PD Workshops
Katie Merchant
The Honey Merchants
Mrs. Jennifer Meredith
Operations Team, Campus Calgary / Open Minds
Gabriel Merencilla
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Justine Merritt
Grade 1/2 French Immersion Teacher, Ccsd
Samantha Mertens
Mount Royal University
Megan Meshi
University of Calgary
Judy Metheral
Calgary Board of Education
Dr. Martina Metz
Educator, Werklund School of Education
Mark Michalak
Harold Panabaker School - CBE
Jay Michalak
West Island College
Darren Michalczuk
Teacher, Brain Codes
Paige Michalenko
University of Calgary - Student Teacher ESA
Mme Renée Michaud
Consultante en Math / Math Consultant, RLM Consulting
Robert Michon
Alberta Retired Teachers' Association
anja micic
University of CalgUary
Jacqueline Mielke
University of Calgary
Principal, West Dover School
Danielle Milanko
Mount Royal University Education Department
Joan Miles MA
Retired Assistant Principal, Calgary Board of Education
Maria Millar MD
Public Educator, Learn with ME
MD Millar
Learn with ME
Brian T. Miller
Middle School Principal, Great Falls School District/North Middle School
Kathy Miller
Educational Coordinator, Kids Boost Immunity
Stacey Miller
Teacher , UCCC Private Kindergarten
Ryan Miller
Calgary Catholic
Mr. Greg Miller
Construction/Fabrication Teacher, CSSD
Tina Miller
University of Calgary (ESA)
Tanya Miller
Learning Leader for Student Support
Valerie Miller PhD
Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, Future Energy Systems
Glory Miller
Calgary Catholic Board of Education
Ashley Miller
Ambrose University
Kathleen Milliken-Morrow
Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Leslee Mills
Indigenous Education PD Facilitator, ATA PD Workshops
Amarpreet Minhas
University of Calgary
Vicky Minich
West Island College
Danielle Mior
Calgary Board of Eduaction
Chelsea Misskey
PE Teacher, CBE
Courteney Miszaniec
University of Calgary Education Students' Association
Megan Mitchell
Ambrose University
Loreen Mitchell
CBE Patrick Airlie School
Stephanie Mitschke
Matthew Mitschke
Nutrition Educator, Alberta Health Services
Tim Mo
Calgary Board of Education
Kerry Moar
Calgary Board of Eduation (CBE)
Kerry Moar
University of Calgary - Student Teacher
Peggy Modjo
CBE King George
Fardows Mohamed
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Nalini Mohan
Parks Program Coordinator, City of Calgary
Danielle Mohler-Penna
Calgary Board of Education
Lali Molina Garcia
Teacher/Henry Wise Wood High School, CBE
Frank Möller
Elementary Teacher, CBE
Anna Mollo
Teacher, CBE
Stacie Molzan
UofC- Pre-service teacher
Shannon Moncrieff
Music Teacher, CBE
Michelle Monds
Mount Royal University Symposium
Michelle Monds
Calgary Board of Education
Amy Monea
Heard Wellness Through Horses
Allan Monk
Volunteer, Ability Workshop Society
Sergio Montanez
Werklund School of Education
Joyce Montemayor
University of Calgary
Margeaux Montgomery
Coordinator, Campus Calgary, 2School: An Urban Experience, Campus Calgary/ Open Minds
Erin Montgomery
Secondary Science Teacher, Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School - Sherwood Park
Miranda Mooney
St. Mary's University
John Mooney
Principal, CSSD - St Isabella
Marissa Mooney
St. Mary's University Bachelor of Education
Mr. David Moore
Science Educator/Guide, Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation
Carmen Moore
Sub/Consultant, CMoore in Education
Shelley Moore
Spotlight Speaker, Outside Pin Consulting

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