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Supporting mathematics problem solving instruction with metacognitive self-regulation strategies

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1 Hour Session
12:30, Vendredi 17 Fév 2023 (1 heure)
Inclusive Education (TQS/LQS 4)Mathematics and Numeracy (TQS 3)
Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9
Teachers use various instructional approaches to support student learning but they may not foster independent learning skills. Metacognitive skills are strong predictors of academic performance because they foster student awareness of their learning. Integrating metacognitive instruction within existing curriculum is beneficial for student learning and is more time efficient for educators. Furthermore, metacognitive self-regulation strategies have been proven to improve mathematical problem solving for students, especially for students with low mathematics performance. Using metacognitive strategies, the PASS model provides a math problem solving approach for elementary and junior high students. The model breaks problem solving down into four steps: planning, acting, solving, and showing. Using this model, we will demonstrate how educators can teach students how to use strategies related to planning, organizing, and self-monitoring.

Sarah Hamilton


Dana Braunberger


Meadow Schroeder PhD


Mon statut pour la session