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The Science of Vaccines

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1 Hour Session
10:45, Jeudi 16 Fév 2023 (1 heure)
TELUS Spark - Dome Theatre
Telus SparkScience (TQS 3)Technology (TQS/LQS 2)Social Studies (TQS 3)
Division 1 - Grades 1-3Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9Division 4 - Grades 10-12
Find yourself and your students wondering about vaccines lately? Did you know that the vaccine team in Saskatchewan was one of the first places to start working on a vaccine for COVID-19? Join Dr. Scott Napper, Senior Scientist at VIDO (Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization) from the University of Saskatchewan, on a journey through the history of vaccines, their origins and some of the triumphs and tragedies. Explore the tools, experiments, and research required for creating effective vaccines and the steps VIDO lab has taken to help research vaccines for diseases like COVID-19 and influenza

Dr Scott Napper


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