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Jeudi 15 Février, 2018

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • HeartMath: A Stress-Management Tool for Teachers
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 14:15 - 15:15  | 1 heure
  • Please provide session feedback using our evaluation form ...
  • 1 Hour Session
    Teacher Wellness
    Early Childhood Education (Pre K-Kindergarden)Division 2 (Grades 4-6)Division 3 (Grades 7-9)Division 4 (Grades 10-12)

Vendredi 16 Février, 2018

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • You Went Where, and Taught What?
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 12:30 - 13:30  | 1 heure
  • Please provide session feedback using our evaluation form ...
  • 1 Hour Session
    Curriculum and PedagogyInclusive EducationTeacher Wellness
    Early Childhood Education (Pre K-Kindergarden)Division 2 (Grades 4-6)Division 3 (Grades 7-9)Division 4 (Grades 10-12)

Jeudi 14 Février, 2019

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • Coding in HS Math Class Using TI Technology
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 9:00 - 10:00  | 1 heure
  • Coding is quickly being recognized as an integral 21 Century Learning outcome worldwide.  Come and learn how to incorporate coding activities ...
  • 1 Hour Session
    Mathematics and NumeracyTechnology
    Division 3 - Grades 7-9Division 4 - Grades 10-12
  • READY, SET, GO:What High School Science Teachers Do Not Know about TI Science...
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 10:45 - 11:45  | 1 heure
  • READY made materials for all secondary levels of science! SETting up teachers for success with FREE software. GO and see the learning tools availab...
  • 1 Hour Session
    Division 3 - Grades 7-9Division 4 - Grades 10-12
  • Fur Trade Historical Simulation
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 12:30 - 13:30  | 1 heure
  • Want to bring history to life in your classroom?  Want your students to experience history?  This session will walk you through a series ...
  • 1 Hour Session
    English Language LearningSocial Studies
    Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9
  • Connecting Disciplinary Literacy with English Language Development for ELLs
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 14:15 - 15:15  | 1 heure
  • Multidisciplinary literacy “involves the use of reading, reasoning, investigating, speaking, and writing to learn and form complex content knowledg...
  • English Language LearningLanguage Arts and Literacy
    Division 1 - Grades 1-3Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9Division 4 - Grades 10-12

Vendredi 15 Février, 2019

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • Been There, Done That. How about This?
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 9:00 - 10:00  | 1 heure
  • Some students have difficulty paying attention, initiating and staying focused on tasks, thinking flexibly, adapting to changes, handling frustrati...
  • Educational ResearchInclusive EducationSpecial Education
    Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9
  • Heart to Heart: A Critical Service Learning Journey
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 10:45 - 11:45  | 1 heure
  • Sarah Beech and Darren Vaast, CBE Grade 9 Humanities teachers, designed Heart to Heart as a critical service-learning project for their students.&n...
  • 1 Hour Session
    Social StudiesArt
    Division 1 - Grades 1-3Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9Division 4 - Grades 10-12
  • Leading Professional Learning that works!
  • Inscription req.
  • TELUS Convention Centre - TELUS 101
  • 12:30 - 13:30  | 1 heure
  • What to do with all those school-based Professional Learning days? Our school followed a Professional Learning Community model in 2017/18 that saw ...
  • Administration and School LeadershipAssessmentCurriculum and Pedagogy
    Division 1 - Grades 1-3Division 2 - Grades 4-6Division 3 - Grades 7-9Division 4 - Grades 10-12