Sunday 27 June, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Current Concepts II
11:00 AM -
12:30 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
- Sunir J. Garg, MD, FACS, FASRS (Keynote speaker)
- Micah Luong (Moderator)
- Danah H. Albreiki, MD MD (Moderator)
- Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, FACS (Moderator)
- Vivian Yin MD, MPH (Moderator)
- Lisa Gould MD (Moderator)
- Dr. Robert Gizicki (Moderator)
- Fiona Rowe PhD, DBO, CGLI Cert. Ed. (Keynote speaker)
- Vivek Patel, MD MD (Keynote speaker)
- Rohit Shetty DNB, FRCS, PhD (Keynote speaker)
- Francis Price MD (Keynote speaker)
- S. Grace Prakalapakorn MD, MPH (Keynote speaker)
- Michael Coote MBBS, FRANZCO, GAICD (Keynote speaker)
- Leon Herndon MD (Keynote speaker)
- Sophie Bakri MD (Keynote speaker)
- Dr. Mona Harissi-Dagher (Moderator)
Neuro-ophthalmology I
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
Glaucoma Intervention: Current Dilemmas and Future Outlook
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
Retina II
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
CADTH Critical Appraisal
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
Glaucoma x Cataract
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
- Lisa Gould MD (Moderator)
- Leon Herndon MD (Keynote speaker)
- Thomas Kohnen MD (Keynote speaker)
- Karolinne Rocha MD, PhD (Keynote speaker)
- Dr. Yuri McKee, MD, MS (Keynote speaker)
- Graham Barrett MD, FRACO, FRACS (Keynote speaker)
- Jit Gohill MD (Moderator)
- Dr. Joshua C. Teichman, MD, MPH, FRCSC (Moderator)
- Dr. Jing Wang (Moderator)
Neuro-ophthalmology II
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
Community Ophthalmology: The World Beyond Academia
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes