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Webinar: New Perspectives in DED – Clinical Discussions

Dry Eye Disease
9:00 PM, Mardi 13 Fév 2018 (1 heure)
Online - Webinar
Join Dr. Edward J. Holland and your Canadian ophthalmologist peers for an accredited webinar on new management approaches for Dry Eye Disease (DED). Through a case-based discussion and sharing clinical experience, you will learn about best practices for the efficient treatment of DED with improved patient outcomes. 

Learning Objectives:

After attending this session, participants will be better able to:

  • Identify patients potentially at risk for DED in an efficient way;
  • Confirm diagnosis early to limit possible damage and optimize treatment benefits;
  • Establish a treatment plan tailored to each patient by drawing from the validated options available.

Join the webinar from the comfort of your home or office, through an easy-to-use online platform and a phone line. Click here to REGISTER NOW to the session of your choice.

For any additional information or in case of any questions, please contact

Detail de session
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