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Exposés libres en rétine

Mon statut pour la session

1:30 PM, Dimanche 3 Juin 2018 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Pause   03:00 PM à 03:45 PM (45 minutes)
À la fin de la session, les participants pourront :
  • Décrire l’issue neurodéveloppementale chez les bébés traités par anti-VEGF pour la rétinopathie du prématuré. 
  • Évaluer l’importance de temps écoulé entre la demande de consultation et le traitement dans les programmes de télé-rétine.
RÔLES CANMEDS: Érudit, promoteur de la santé

Sous sessions

1:30 PM - 1:35 PM | 5 minutes
1:35 PM - 1:50 PM | 15 minutes
Invité.e d'honneur
1:50 PM - 2:00 PM | 10 minutes

Authors: Crystal Cheung, Joshua Manusow, Efrem Mandelcorn Author Disclosure Block: C. Cheung: None. J. Manusow: None. E. Mandelcorn: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: This study sought to prospectively review the quality of ocular candida consultations by other medical services at teaching hospitals at the University of Toronto Hospital Network. Secondary endpoints of this study included: 1) Predictive characteristics of positive ocular exams...

2:00 PM - 2:10 PM | 10 minutes

Authors: Anna Ells, April Ingram, Alexander Platt, Patrick Mitchell Author Disclosure Block: A. Ells: None. A. Ingram: None. A. Platt: None. P. Mitchell: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy for treatment of severe retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) has demonstrated promising results, however reports of the safety of this treatment, related to neurodevelopmental development are limited. We compared the neurodevelopme...

Anna Ells

2:10 PM - 2:20 PM | 10 minutes

Authors: Avner Hostovsky, Rajeev H. Muni, Kenneth T. Eng, Drew Drew Mulhall, Christina Leung, Peter J. Kertes Author Disclosure Block: A. Hostovsky: None. R.H. Muni: Grant/research support; Allergan. Membership on an advisory panel, standing committee or board of directors; Allergan. K.T. Eng: None. D. Drew Mulhall: None. C. Leung: None. P.J. Kertes: Grant/research support; Allergan, Bayer, Genentech, Janssen, Novartis, Regeneron, Roche. Employment/honoraria/consultin...

2:20 PM - 2:30 PM | 10 minutes

Authors: David Plemel, Steven Lapere, Jaspreet Rayat, Donna Bong, Deana Breum, Rizwan Somani Author Disclosure Block: D. Plemel: None. S. Lapere: None. J. Rayat: None. D. Bong: None. D. Breum: None. R. Somani: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: To determine the association between ocular dimensions and sutureless scleral fixated intraocular lens (SFIOL) position with visual acuity outcomes and postoperative complications. Study Desi...

Dr. David Plemel

2:30 PM - 2:40 PM | 10 minutes

Authors: Carolina L. M. Francisconi, Roxane J. Hillier, Tina Felfeli, Louis R. Giavedoni, David T. Wong, Alan R. Berger, Filiberto Altomare, Rahda P. Kohly, Rajeev H. Muni Author Disclosure Block: C.L.M. Francisconi: None. R.J. Hillier: None. T. Felfeli: None. L.R. Giavedoni: None. D.T. Wong: None. A.R. Berger: None. F. Altomare: None. R.P. Kohly: None. R.H. Muni: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: The management of rhegmatogenous retinal deta...

2:40 PM - 2:50 PM | 10 minutes

Authors: Samir Nazarali, Irfan Kherani, Bernard Hurley, Geoff Williams, Michael Fielden, Feisal Adatia, Amin Kherani Author Disclosure Block: S. Nazarali: None. I. Kherani: None. B. Hurley: None. G. Williams: None. M. Fielden: None. F. Adatia: None. A. Kherani: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: To characterize the presentation of Terson Syndrome (TS) and report on the outcomes of vitrectomy at two major ophthalmic centres in Canada. TS is def...

Samir Nazarali


Mon statut pour la session


Detail de session
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