Friday 15 January, 2021
Please call the number on the reception desk if it's left unattended.
Come along and relax in the comfort of the Junior Common Room
Come along and relax in the comfort of Robertson Cafe
If Time Travel was possible, would you survive? Find out at this open discussion panel.
In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a party of heroic, fantasy adventurers. You've raided the dungeon, killed the monsters, and taken their treasure. Now you're back, and what better way to celebrate your most recent victory than to spend an evening at the Red Dragon Inn. You and your adventuring companions will spend the night drinking, gambling, and roughhousing. The last person who is both sober enough to remain conscious and shrewd enough to hold on...
This is a newbie friendly learning game of D&D where the rules will be learnt as we play, the story will be a chaotic mess & the GM does indeed accept bribes (Sweet Coffee & Candy preferred :P)You'll get to play a group of monsters (you players can pick any monster too!) with a most important quest - your evil boss has an artifact that needs to be delivered ASAP... Can you survive the incompetence of your evil minions, the dastardly heros heroi...
Garbage for the garbage god, and trash for the the trash throne! All of us have some pet movie, TV series, book or videogame that we love despite it's flaws, and we can all enjoy media while still being able to criticise it. Come and share with us your problematic faves and guilty pleasures in a fun, and judgement-free environment.
Saturday 16 January, 2021
Asteroid mining is a tough gig, you never know what you’re going to find till you start cutting and drilling. It’s even worse when you’ve cracked a few dust balls and they’re still hanging around. Here’s hoping the next one is real pay dirt.
Come along and relax in the comfort of Robertson Cafe
A repeating sideshow showing all the things that happened in 2020. Come by and simply reflect on the year and share stories of what you went through over the year.CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of Covid-19
Making small toys by drawing cute faces on fabric, sewing on to fake fur and filling with stuffing.
Please call the number on the reception desk if it's left unattended.
Moving Out is a ridiculous physics-based moving simulator that brings new meaning to "couch co-op"! Are you ready for an exciting career in furniture? As a newly certified Furniture Arrangement & Relocation Technician, you'll take on moving jobs all across the busy town of Packmore.
Come along and buy a variety of wares from local Perth artists.
Come and enjoy a chilled out bubbly wonderland with Fairy Megan where you can blow bubbles, dance in the bubble machine's fluffy storm or just relax and enjoy the pretty colours! You can construct your own bubble wand or use one provided. There will be scented and allergen free bubble solutions. All you need to bring is a hat! (Don't forget to be sun smart) Running for 60 - 90 mins outside near the shade. All ages and everyone is welcome. Recommended to bring a hat and some water.
Welcome to the cutting edge of 1842 technology. You will get to build a simple camera and take (and process) a monochrome photo with it. Learn about one of the oldest imaging systems still in use today. If you can bring a magnifying glass or VR headset lens and a cardboard box, great. Some limited supplies will be available. Sensitised paper 'film' will be provided.
The year is 1926, and it is the height of the Roaring Twenties. Flappers dance till dawn in smoke-filled speakeasies drinking alcohol supplied by rum runners and the mob. It's a celebration to end all celebrations in the aftermath of the war to end all wars. Yet a dark shadow grows in the city of Arkham. Alien entities known as Ancient Ones lurk in the emptiness beyond space and time, writhing at the gates between worlds. Thes...
A brief guide into how to Adult. Including tips on Basic Budgeting, Taxes, Credit Ratings, Securing a Job, Healthy Lifestyle, Basics of Running a House, and Acceptable Social Interaction.
A DND one shot using customisable premade characters.
Mario Kart is a series of go-kart-style racing video games developed and published by Nintendo as spin-offs from its trademark Super Mario series. The games feature characters from the Mario franchise and other game series competing in races while using various power-ups to gain advantage.
Nuclear power has a lot of misconceptions around it, from the disasters through to the physics. If you have any questions come down to get them answered.
Mike, a Counselor from the Northern Suburbs, explores the emerging geek therapist movement and how tabletop role-playing games can be applied therapeutically.Trigger warning: This panel will discuss matters of mental health such as anxiety & depression, grief and loss.
Come and enjoy some tea and scones with longstanding member of the Perth Science Fiction and Fantasy community and the patron saint of GenghisCon!
An exploration of Magic: The Gathering's colour pie, the way it influences card and character design, and how we can use it to interpret media, the world, and ourselves.
Do you have a green thumb? No? Well would you like one? This workshop is for plant/ Gardening enthusiasts or people who would like to know more about plants and keeping them alive. Bring plants/ cuttings and seeds to swap with others.All ages welcome.
Legendary game worlds and fighters collide in the ultimate showdown – a new entry in the Super Smash Bros. series for Nintendo Switch! New fighters, like Inkling from the Splatoon series and Ridley from the Metroid series, make their Super Smash Bros. series debut alongside every Super Smash Bros. fighter in the series…EVER! Faster combat, new items, new attacks, new defensive options and more will keep the battle raging whether you’re at home or on the go!
Rules used: Base game, and a mixture of any expansions can be used at the discression of players.
Help Jonathon and Leon build a world to tell stories in. An island waits to be filled with people, creatures, landmarks and terrain itself.
Suspend your sense of realism and come and join Rebel Empire Workshops in a fun comedy action workshop. Unlock your inner clown and say YES to being silly for peoples amusement and your own.CONTENT WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SWEARING
Join the West Nerf crew for some foam flinging fun, check out and test a range of blasters, get advice on modding and gameplay, and jump into a one on one pistol duel if you're up for it!
Following up from the last workshop help Jonathon and Leon build a comic book world, hero and villain.
In this adventure, every level of the dungeon will actually be a new tavern landscape. Will you manage to scavenge a meal & a drink at every level? Or will your character end up too drunk to continue.. Every level has unique challenges - and mythical magical cocktails prizes - Will you escape the Kittykat klub? Can you outskate the Were-Polarbear waiters at the Frozen Tundra Ice Bar? Will you beat the Penguin Bowlers at their own game? Can you shake it better than the Dryads do...
A panel of authors talking about story structure and developing characters for fiction and how those skills can apply in RPG games.
A short introduction to the Klingon language for absolute beginners.
A chance to try out Virtual Reality games using some of the best virtual reality headsets. Immerse yourself in the world of VR, with games from free roaming Google Earth in VR, Exploring Dungeons and Battling Monsters in Dungeon Knight, to the classic lightsabre song slasher, Beat Sabre.
Text 0428 393 796 to sign up
An online and local party game of teamwork and betrayal for 4-10 space!
A brief introduction to the ups and downs of an IT professional. It is more than you'd think.
The Roman were known for working with many materials. Crystal wasn’t one of them. Yet some crystal caves have been found by an old mill. There’s plenty of sherds, plenty of iron work. Something important was going on here.
Texas Hold 'em Poker Tournament. All welcome, from "pros" to "what is poker?" Free to play, prize for first place.CONTENT WARNING: GAMBLING, 18+
So, in all the works of fantasy and science-fiction that have explored the concepts of viruses and plagues, which of them come close to our current experience? Who managed to predict toilet paper shortages, conspiracy theories or... Tiger King? It's been a weird year, so come and join us for a light-hearted discussion of what our fiction got right and got wrong, and what stories really resonate with the 2020 experience.CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of Cov...
A panel of local experts and educators in fields such as relationships, sexuality, gender, and health answer all the questions you've been too awkward to ask! Questions are submitted anonymously and answered without judgement or ridicule. This panel is recommended for older audiences.Content Warning: The content for this panel varies widely, but typical content warnings include: sex, sexuality, reproductive health, menstruation, relationships/abuse, bullying,...
Halo is an American military science fiction media franchise. Come down and jump into the Halo universe for some fast paced shooting madness. Fun for all ages and experience levels.
My personal experience for the last 15 years of trying various performance enhancing substances and medical procedures. How can you have more energy, better vision, appearance and lose fat for little money.CONTENT WARNING: Advice is of a general nature and not suitable, safe or recommended to be followed by anyone without medical supervision.
It’s time to bust some myths and destroy some dreams, Hollywood lies to you so, let’s break down what really happens to your fleshy body when you get shot, stabbed or sucked though an air lock. Come an...
Genre fiction has often been described only as entertainment. But so much of it has been at the forefront of challenging the prejudices, falsehoods and injustices of the world. People naturally resist any straightforward challenge to their worldview, but fiction, especially genre fiction, can often sneak past those barriers. Join us as we share stories that have helped shape and inspire us and maybe even share a few of your own.CONTENT WARNING: POSSIBLE...
Sunday 17 January, 2021
Welcome great adventurer, the Compute- er, Beholder welcomes you to his dungeon. You'll start as a F Ranked Hero with red level magical equipment. Can you survive the dungeon depths & make it to S Class Adventurers with Ultraviolent equipment? Or will you become more fodder for the Beholders Adventurer Farms? Every adventurer gets 4 free resurrection stones & some Bouncy Bubbly Happiness Juice - because the Beholder wants you to be happy and happiness is mandatory
Come along and relax in the comfort of Robertson Cafe
You've had a chance to mourn the end of 2020, now it's time to Celebrate! Come down and reflect on all the positives of 2020 and all the good times you've had.
A GenghisCon classic. Come down and chat to all the other people who are awake and ready for the day.
Please call the number on the reception desk if it's left unattended.
Animal Crossing is a life simulator. Each game has you move to a new town inhabited by adorable anthropomorphic animals. The latest entry in the series, New Horizons, has you sailing to a deserted island after purchasing a holiday package from a raccoon called Tom Nook.
Come along and buy a variety of wares from local Perth artists.
This is a continuation from last years panel. What do you need to know about the setting for your story or game? What do your readers or players need to know, and when do they need to know it?
Come along and chat with the Swancon 2021 programming team about what you'd like to see at Swancon this year. Panel, workshop and gaming suggestions welcomed.
Running your own D&D story, campaign is more than achievable and something you can do yourself. Come down to ask questions, get advice, find out if it’s for you.
This year has seen an invasion of ducks to the Con. Come here to find your duck twins, exchange your ducks, or simply discuss your thoughts on ducks. Should be a quack-ing good time!
100% of all proceeds go to funding next year's GenghisCon! Come along for a variety of stock.
The Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield games take place in the Galar region. Galar is an expansive region with diverse environments - an idyllic countryside, contemporary cities, thick forest, and craggy, snow-covered mountains. The people and the Pokémon who live there work together closely to develop the industries in the region. Fans will have the opportunity to visit various Gyms in the Galar region in their quest to become Champion. They will not be alone since the...
Bringing dimension & sense to your characters & game worlds using knowledge of the textile & crafting technologies as they develop through the ages.
While eating one of the worlds hottest corn chips, enjoy a spicy read through of William Shakespeare's Star Wars by some people making poor life choices for your amusement! Have the Bread and Milk ready!CONTENT WARNING: COARSE LANGUAGE
Join us for the 2021 AGM. If you would like to be on the 2022 committee or care about the future direction of the convention come along.
Request to utilize one of many consoles. Select games included.
Join us as we send off GenghisCon 2021 and say thanks to all who have helped make the Con so great!
If you've never seen RuPaul's drag race, come on down and see what all the fuss is about. Enjoy an episode with others that love judging all the latest drag queens in a fun open environment. Please note this viewing will be Season 13 Episode 3.
Come along with a phone, computer, or tablet that can access the internet and join in the fun known as Jackbox.CONTENT WARNING: The event takes answers from people participating in the panel that may not be safe for work.