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D&D: Dude Wheres My Carriage?

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10:00 AM, domingo 23 jan 2022 (3 hours)
Lunch Break   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
Telethon Speech & Hearing - Auditorium (Board Gaming)

A 90s D&D homage, this game is about heroes who have saved the world, they've recovered the Ring of Pure Evil & arrived at Mt Doom. Tomorrow they will hike the mountain to throw the ring into the volcano & end the threat. But tonight the townsfolk throw them a party. Only in the morning, our heroes awaken to wonder... Where is my carriage - the one with the Ring of Pure Evil hidden inside... Come enjoy a 90s Party Storyline as the Heroes backtrack through the chaos of their revelry & discover where they parked the carriage...

All materials provided, new & experienced players welcome.

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