Dr Lynn Moorman is a Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Mount Royal University, in Calgary, Canada, and a Governor of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Lynn’s background in physical geography and experience in the remote sensing and GIS industry created an interest in how people think spatially, interpret geographic information, and use geographic technologies, leading to a PhD in geography and education. Her academic research integrates both disciplines, looking at geospatial literacy, geospatial technology use and learner requirements, and the practice of geographic education, both in post-secondary and K-12 (kindergarten to Grade 12) educational environments.
Her current work focuses on geographic learning with Digital Earth, GIS, citizen science, and visualization technology, including virtual reality.
Recently recognized as a geospatial“Influencer of the Year", a “PetroCanada Young Innovator”, and Esri Canada GIS Ambassador, Lynn helps communities build environmental resiliency. From building remote sensing capacity for effective land use practices in Vietnam (1990’s) to co-designing satellite interpretation and mapping educational programs with Canadian Inuit to create sea-ice safety maps (current), Lynn is exploring new ways of seeing the world and innovating means to share that knowledge.
Sessions in which Lynn Moorman participates
الثّلاثاء 7 نوفمبر, 2023
Department of Earth and Environmental SciencesEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Science integrates our understanding of chemical, physical and biological processes to study natural and anthropogenic influenced environments, and provides solutions...