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Sven Sorhus

GIS Analyst

Sessions in which Sven Sorhus attends

الثّلاثاء 25 أبريل, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:30 صباحًا
11:30 صباحًا
SLAM technology and the future of laser scanning
30 minutes, 11:30 صباحًا EDT - 12:00 مساءً EDT

Gaspar Lima, NavVis (Speaker)

The market for survey technology has seen considerable innovation over the past few years. Among the various new tools for laser scanning profes...
2:30 مساءً
2:30 مساءً
Industry Panel: What is the future of Lidar?
45 minutes, 2:30 مساءً EDT - 3:15 مساءً EDT

Dr. Tim Webster, Applied Geomatics Research Group NSCC (Moderator)

Mohamed Hassanein, Cansel (Panelist)

Gaspar Lima, NavVis (Panelist)

Jennifer Triana, TopoDOT (Panelist)

Michael Sitar, RIEGL Canada (Speaker)

الأربعاء 26 أبريل, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:00 صباحًا
11:00 صباحًا
How to Tackle Complex Reality Capture Projects with NavVis Technology
1 hour, 11:00 صباحًا EDT - 12:00 مساءً EDT


Michael Dutch, NavVis (Presenter)

Gaspar Lima, NavVis (Presenter)

Join NavVis in-house specialists Gaspar Lima, Senior Channel Manager, and Michael Dutch, Customer Success Team Lead, as they discuss how NavVis ...
1:00 مساءً
1:00 مساءً
High-precision Terrestrial Laser Scanning with Unprecedented Productivity - A live demonstration of RIEGL's new VZ-600i
1 hour, 1:00 مساءً EDT - 2:00 مساءً EDT


Michael Sitar, RIEGL Canada (Speaker)

RIEGL's next generation of terrestrial laser scanners are focused on maximizing productivity, simplifying workfl...