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Blaine Kovacik


Sessions in which Blaine Kovacik attends

الثّلاثاء 25 أبريل, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
1:45 مساءً
1:45 مساءً


Jennifer Triana, TopoDOT (Speaker)

As traditional infrastructure design methods advanced using LiDAR survey data, this presentation aims to show the transportation industry's most...
2:30 مساءً
2:30 مساءً
Industry Panel: What is the future of Lidar?
45 minutes, 2:30 مساءً EDT - 3:15 مساءً EDT

Dr. Tim Webster, Applied Geomatics Research Group NSCC (Moderator)

Mohamed Hassanein, Cansel (Panelist)

Gaspar Lima, NavVis (Panelist)

Jennifer Triana, TopoDOT (Panelist)

Michael Sitar, RIEGL Canada (Speaker)