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Harvey Thorleifson

University of Minnesota

Sessions in which Harvey Thorleifson attends

الخميس 29 أبريل, 2021

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:35 - 12:05 | 30 minutes

Mapping the Colorado Underground: Colorado is proactively using a 2018 One Call law and new procedures to reduce underground utility hits, which in the US exceed 50,000 annually. The law requires higher accuracy One Call utility locates (Level B). The presentation will describe: 1) including higher accuracy utility locations on contractor bidding documents, 2) installing electronically locatable devices on new utilities, 3) the impact on unde...

12:55 - 13:25 | 30 minutes

UEVO is a Digital Twin of city subsurface infrastructure, which helps solve the problem of managing aging, complex infrastructure under increasingly strained budgets. UEVO unifies fragmented data to enable multiple stakeholders to visualise, manipulate and create subsurface elements quickly and easily, collaborating in real time.

Alex Shalash

Keynote speaker

الجمعة 30 أبريل, 2021

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:05 - 10:35 | 30 minutes

Gyro mapping is rapidly becoming a widely accepted technology for obtaining accurate XYZ data of subsurface utility infrastructure. Whether through national regulation or the utility network owners’ diligent network management policies, gyro mapping is becoming a standard new-build specification, in particular for trenchless installation methods. In addition, Utility network owners see a great benefit in having an objective and accurate as-built profile during the hand-over process with infra...

Otto Ballintijn

Keynote speaker