What is Industry Doing to Implement a "Zero Strike Policy"?

My Session Status
11:45 صباحًا, الثّلاثاء 25 يونيو 2024 EDT
(30 minutes)
Virtual session
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The virtual space is closed.
- What is industry doing to implement a "zero strike policy"
- Divide and Conquer
- Make Ready Plan
- Active Locates
- Private locators
- "Ground Disturbance Permitting Policy"
- What is in a permit
- Area of Permit
- Time Frame/ Duration of Permit
- Where in information stored
- Do we allow personnel to use cell phones?
- Who can access
- Management enforcement
Who's Attending
Vincent Fan
Nova Spatium Inc.
Rebecca Jahns
Co-Mapping Solutions
Wilbert Laverdure
Department of National Defence
ahmad yacoub
Public Work Authority