الثّلاثاء 26 مارس, 2024
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:00 صباحًا
10:30 صباحًا
10:45 صباحًا
11:15 صباحًا
11:30 صباحًا
12:00 مساءً
12:15 مساءً
12:45 مساءً
1:00 مساءً
1:30 مساءً
1:45 مساءً
2:15 مساءً
2:30 مساءً
3:00 مساءً
3:15 مساءً
الأربعاء 27 مارس, 2024
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:15 صباحًا
11:15 صباحًا EDT -
12:15 مساءً EDT |
1 hour
A deep dive into Reveal's new platform for major civil infrastructure projects, highlighting the workflow and features for project managers, engineers and contractors. Reveal for Projects helps stakeholders in the underground build a Unified Utility Model from multiple sources of data, with an intuitive and efficient web interface.