Joshua Chan has been interested in all things related to Geography and maps since birth. He has loved doing spatial analysis, making pretty maps, and getting into the details of resource management related issues. He's a part of a great team that explores new and better ways to deliver geospatial products. Check out the Stewardship Baseline Objectives Tool (https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/resource-stewardship-tools/sbot) for one example of their work using ArcGIS Online.
Sessions in which Joshua Chan participates
Wednesday 8 November, 2023
No matter what your GIS super-powers may be, there is a place for you at GeoBC. We offer clients a wide range of GIS services and products such as base mapping, imagery analysis, data science, data management, spatial analysis, programming/automation, project management, map making, web maps, and mobile app creation.On any given project your clients may be biologists, engineers, planners, First Nations relations staff, land and water authorizations staff, executives, Emerg...