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GoGeomatics Career Event 2019

June 18, 2019, 9:30 AM - June 18, 2019, 5:00 PM

GoGeomatics Canada will be hosting our inaugural Career Event, the theme of which is, "The Future of Geopatial Careers”, in Ottawa this June.

The event is co-located with the GeoIgnite 2019 conference for location technologies data and services. GoGeomatics is hard at work with private and public sector like Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to prepare for the event by identifying opportunities for students, recent graduates and professionals; join us for a one-of-a-kind career experience where prospective employees can connect with leading employers in one of Canada's most innovative industries.

Candidates will have the opportunity to explore an array of employment opportunities, including in the public and private sector, and receive access to the exhibitors’ area of GeoIgnite. The event will also be an opportunity for budding entrepreneurs to network with industry stakeholders.

Participants will hear speakers on such diverse topics as:

  • What is the Future of Geospatial Jobs in Canada?
  • How do I Prepare for Success in the new job market?
  • Navigating the Federal Government Recruitment Process

Canada's location technology landscape is changing more rapidly than ever. Employers in today's industry are blending tradition with innovation by seeking new hires with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. For job seekers with the ambition to thrive within the new and evolving geospatial technology and IT environment, this event is an ideal space for making connections.

Join Jonathan Murphy, GoGeomatics Canada’s geospatial career coach as we explore opportunities with the Federal Government in “Geo” jobs and the wider opportunities outside of the traditional “GIS” jobs that use location-based data and services as a core component.


GoGeomatics Career Event 2019
Event Starts:   June 18, 2019, 9:30 AM
Event Ends:   June 18, 2019, 5:00 PM
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