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Alessandro Alasia - Chief - Statistics Canada, Talk:The Linkable Open Data Environment

Geospatial Digital Transformation: AI, 5G, AR/VR, Blockchain, IoT, Big Data Analytics, Open Source, Cloud
2:15 PM, Wednesday 19 Jun 2019 (30 minutes)
Virtual Meeting Space - GeoSpatial One
Over the last few years, the Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) at Statistics Canada has conducted an increasing amount of work with open data using various open source tools in an open ecosystem. This exploration and experience has given rise to the idea of using an “open project” approach; that is, an approach that, to the extent possible, makes use of open source software, open code, open standards, open data, open platforms and open project management tools. The presentation outlines how DEIL is now using an open project approach for the integration of open databases through the development of a Linkable Open Data Environment (LODE). To date, achievements include the development, in collaboration with Microsoft, of openly licensed databases of the footprints of virtually all building in Canada, and preliminary versions of open databases of addresses, businesses, educational facilities, and hospitals. Further, the work on these open databases, and the collaborations that have been sparked, are providing insights on the potential of data value multiplication through stakeholder use and enrichment of the original baseline datasets.
Statistics Canada
Assistant Director
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