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Manager for Local Authorities ans SmartCities
Business Geografic – Ciril GROUP

25 years experienced GIS engineer for

  • Local Authorities
  • SmartCities-IoT
  • Telecom
  • SmartGrids  Water and Energy

Let's talk about your projects and Business Geografic – Ciril GROUP solutions !


Sessions in which Mr Nicolas ANGENIEUX attends

Wednesday 22 July, 2020

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
14:30 - 15:15 | 45 minutes

GIS users’ numbers are expanding around the world. It is now possible to find a GIS use in every field and to optimize their success. Discover how Business Geografic work throughout all fields to offer a new and modern approach to use Geografic Information Systems. Wheter your need are the one of an expanding business, a wide world telecom company or an official government entity, find out how we can help you vizualise your data and improve your process.