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Erin Mansell

Sessions in which Erin Mansell attends

Wednesday 21 April, 2021

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:30 - 12:00 | 30 minutes

The Canadian Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (NRCan) continues its work to implement the National Elevation Data Strategy. Through this strategy, one of NRCan's goal is to provide Canadians with an accurate three-dimensional representation of the country, in support of government priorities such as flood mapping. Because of the enormous task of obtaining a high-precision and up-to-date national elevation layer, NRCan works with different entities.The data coverage of the st...

12:30 - 13:00 | 30 minutes

Over the past year, Minerva Intelligence, a Vancouver-based cognitive AI company, has been awarded two contracts with Natural Resources Canada to design schemas at a national level: the National Flood Hazard Data Layer (NFHDL) and the National Hydro Network V2 (NHNv2). You might be asking yourself why an AI company is designing and building these important database structures. Minerva's cognitive AI system makes use of semantically inoperable data in knowledge graphs and has designed syste...

14:00 - 14:30 | 30 minutes

Explore the structure of an enterprise location intelligence platform at Agriculture Agri-food Canada and how they created a strategic road map to systematically diagnose strengths and weaknesses to drive the use of location intelligence in everyday program and policy decisions of a federal department.Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada supports the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector through initiatives that promote innovation and competitiveness.

15:30 - 16:30 | 1 hour

Title: Advancing Space Based Observation in Canada:The GeoIgnite 2021 Directors General Geospatial Panel, part of Canada's National Geospatial Conference.Title: Advancing Space Based Observation in CanadaThis is a must attend panel for anyone interested in learning the direction Canada's Federal government geospatial leadership is taking.Join our panelists for an exploration of Canada's geospatial priorities and mission in this exciting discuss...

Thursday 22 April, 2021

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
14:00 - 14:30 | 30 minutes

For nearly 50 years, geomatics representatives from Canadian provinces and territories have collaborated together and with the federal government on geomatics initiatives. This presentation will explore why such a council came to be and why its work matters to the Canadian geomatics sector and citizens alike. While the geomatics sector and the world we live in continue to change, the need for coordination across jurisdictions remains crucial to support decision-making and response to share...

Friday 23 April, 2021

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:00 - 10:30 | 30 minutes

The global geospatial industry is estimated at US$ 500 Billion and delivers an even more significant impact on society, with derived economic benefits estimated to be multifold. These benefits, however, are still not fully understood by key stakeholders and policy and decision-makers, ultimately hindering the global uptake of geospatial information. With decades of national spatial data infrastructure efforts around the world, how can this be? Focusing on the importance of...

Barbara Ryan

Keynote speaker
13:15 - 13:45 | 30 minutes

The Government of Canada and organizations such as the UN recognize the critical role of standards in geographic information and geomatics to support stewardship and interoperability of information, ensuring that organizations access, use and share geospatial data efficiently and effectively to support program and service delivery to Citizens. The data inventory/catalogue and the supporting standards are foundational components of any national geospatial information framework. As such, wel...

14:45 - 15:45 | 1 hour

Join GeoIgnite for this inaugural panel of provincial and territorial geospatial and location technology leaders.We will be discussing issues surrounding: What are main priorities and challenges across jurisdictions? What types of geospatial tools we use to monitor and respond to key challenges like emergency response? How are jurisdictions aligning geospatial tools, data, and people to address climate change? What are some current data...