How to Optimize the Asset Booking Process with Digital Construction Management Tools

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Utilities and their Contractor Organizations have traditionally been responsible for the safe and effective construction of new underground facilities. An important aspect of the construction process is the accurate documentation and location of the newly installed assets for update into the Utilities’ Geographic Information Systems, Work Management Systems and Asset Repositories. This process is typically performed via paper-based folders that may contain missing or incorrect attribute data, poor asset location data and my take weeks to months to be transferred to all the appropriate corporate systems of record. Locusview has developed an application that automates the as-built capture of all aspects of the construction process and the post construction processing of the asset data into the various Corporate systems. Our Digital Construction Management (DCM) process enables Construction Organization to dramatically reduce the overall process time by as much as 70% and ensures that the High Fidelity Data is collected and updated into the post construction data hungry asset systems.