How to Automate Digital As-Builting for Underground Utilities

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For decades, cities have required all utilities, communication providers and municipal services providers to build their facilities below ground. In addition, the increase in severe natural disaster conditions have driven traditional overhead utilities to revise their construction standards and build their new facilities underground.
As the proliferation of underground construction continues, all utility groups must improve their procedures to ensure that any newly installed facilities are:
1) fully documented,
2) accurately located and
3) made available to other underground utilities via Mark Out Services.
Traditional methods to document the ‘as-built’ asset data have been largely paper based and rely upon the construction crew to record the details of the newly installed assets. In addition, the manual process of handing off the paper based ‘as-built’ packages to the various organizations within the utility may add days or weeks to the entire process. It is critical that underground utilities fully automate the ‘as-built’ documentation process. Locusview has developed systems and processes to meet this critical need and we will discuss the steps required to improve the ‘as-builting’ process.
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