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Pacific Geomatics Limited

Phone us:  604-372-3300

At Pacific Geomatics, we know how critical it is to be confident you have the best satellite imagery for your project. In order to have that assurance, you need to find the right sources of imagery for the decisions you need to make.

The problem is, the options for satellite imagery are endless, which makes it hard to feel sure you’ve found the right ones for your project. We believe you shouldn’t have to be an expert to find what you need.

We know how challenging it can be to sort through the options. That’s why Pacific Geomatics delivers far more than imagery. We provide the expert guidance and steadfast service your project deserves. We’ve been guiding clients to the right solutions for their projects since 1994, and we only work with the most advanced satellite imagery vendors in the world. Pacific Geomatics serves a wide range of industries and is a trusted provider of high resolution satellite imagery for the Canadian government and its defense, intelligence, and security sectors.

Our team is dedicated to making the process easy for you. All you have to do is tell us the problem. We find the answers from a vendor-agnostic perspective and present you with clear, simple solutions.

Our team

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