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GeoIgnite Western Canada Career Fair - Calgary 2023

7 Novembre 2023, 10:00 AM - 8 Novembre 2023, 4:00 PM MST

Calgary, Canada

The GeoIgnite Career fair in Calgary is planned as an annual event. Located within the country’s largest density of geomatics and location technology companies, ranging from promising startups to leading global giants, Calgary is a hub for education R&D advancement in Canada.

The career fair is working closely with the University of Calgary and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) to engage students and graduates.

GoGeomatics Canada, with its unparalleled communication channels in the sector, and the Expo, will promote the career fair alongside our partners. As an annual event, the opportunity to hire talent with a passion for technology is unique. Motivated job seekers in the area of computer science, programming, data science, geomatics, surveying, GIS, reality capture, digital twins, BIM, and location technologies will be eager to engage and learn.

À propos 

GeoIgnite Western Canada Career Fair - Calgary 2023
Début:   7 Novembre 2023, 10:00 AM MST
Fin:   8 Novembre 2023, 4:00 PM MST
Big Four Roadhouse 1801 Big Four Trail SE
Calgary, Canada
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