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EOCanex 2023 • Canadian Earth Observation Virtual Expo

20 Juin 2023, 5:45 AM - 23 Juin 2023, 5:45 PM EDT

GeoIgnite invites the geospatial community to collaborate by sharing their work, services, and data during EOCANEX, Canada’s Earth Observation Expo. On June 20th, 2023, GeoIgnite will assemble an audience of Canadian geospatial practitioners, managers, senior executives, and enthusiasts for your organisation to communicate and engage. GeoIgnite was founded in 2019 in Ottawa, Canada, and quickly grew to be Canada’s largest and most popular geospatial event. In its fifth year, it will organize community and industry collaboration for 2 days of presentations, workshops, training, and discussions. Once again, GeoIgnite will be virtual in 2023, allowing the audience to expand exponentially. Our event is free and open to the Canadian geospatial community through the support of our sector partners like you.

À propos 

EOCanex 2023 • Canadian Earth Observation Virtual Expo
Début:   20 Juin 2023, 5:45 AM EDT
Fin:   23 Juin 2023, 5:45 PM EDT
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