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Sam Souliman

Senior Engineer

Sessions auxquelles Sam Souliman assiste

Mardi 5 Avril, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:00 - 11:30 | 30 minutes

Times have changed - dynamic mobile mapping is now more essential than ever to get the job done quickly and accurately. Join keynote speaker Marek Koltun LIVE as he discusses mobile mapping and its place as standard equipment in the laser scanning toolbox. Learn how scanning with a wearable device like NavVis VLX can significantly benefit your projects - big or small.

Marek Koltun

Invité.e d'honneur
11:45 - 12:15 | 30 minutes

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) based systems have proved their value for rapid mapping of complex environments, but achieving survey grade accuracy and repeatability has been a challenge in some environments. Surveyors were faced with a compromise between fast data capture and data accuracy, depending on the job requirements.This is no longer the case with Emesent's Automated Ground Control feature, which enhances t...

Dr. Stefan Hrabar


Jordan Herrmann

12:37 - 12:45 | 8 minutes

Jean-Michel Dupé

12:45 - 12:52 | 7 minutes

Use case outlining the challenges, solution and result associated to a Lidar data acquisition using drone and vehicle.

David Laflamme
