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Julia C

Geographic Data Scientist
Employment and Social Development Canada

Hello, my name is Julia Conzon

I'm interested in leveraging geographic information for data-driven decision making.

I have worked on several projects with various clients on a diverse range of topics as a freelance open data consultant and full-stack web developer. Through my experiences, I have extensive knowledge on open [spatial] data standards and platforms; moreover, I have developed web apps, maps, and information portals.

Currently I am working at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) as a data scientist. Here I support evidence-based decision making through the following: (1) designing and developing software and web apps that host machine learning (mostly natural language processing) models; (2) researching and applying advanced geospatial techniques; and (3) educating internally and externally on how to leverage data with open source tools.

As my education and work are multi-disciplinary, one of my goals is to help bridge the gap between social and technical perspectives, such as ensuring those who are marginalized have the power to collect, interpret, and make their own decisions regarding the data that affects them. In addition, as my work is data-driven, I reflect on biases to avoid misrepresentations. I am active in local, national, and global open data communities to accomplish my goals and reflections. I also participate in conferences, educate individuals about open data and tech, and develop tools and visualizations. This includes writing blogs and docs on (mostly geospatial) tech.

Lastly, and most importantly, learning never ends. Feel free to contact me to share knowledge!