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Brenda Reigle

Executive Director
NUCA of Pennsylvania

Brenda has served as executive director of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) of Pennsylvania since 1996. Her 24 years of service to the association and the industry has been one of generous devotion to the chapter’s membership across an endless number of areas. She has a deep reservoir of understanding both industry issues and political knowledge in the state capital of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.

She has been the voice of the Pennsylvania utility construction industry throughout her leadership in the state chapter. Brenda’s advocacy outreach to
the membership has kept the industry’s issues active and on the minds of state legislators. Brenda also has been a steadfast advocate at NUCA’s Washington Summit every year for more than two decades, where she not only led NUCA’s Pennsylvania delegation through the state’s many lawmaker offices in the U.S.House and Senate but has mentored fellow Chapter executive directors and NUCA members who are new to the legislative process.
Brenda’s dedication to the industry cannot be understated. Her tireless work to represent her members has been an example to many chapter executive directors about going above and beyond the duties of the position. Her many projects improve the industry including determined legislative defenses of the state One-Call laws and championing workforce development programs in the state.

Brenda is a fierce defender of excavation contractors in the damage prevention arena, where interpretations of responsibilities in the process are often unfairly biased against contractors. She has ensured that the excavator’s voice is heard and that effective technologies and practices, such as subsurface utility engineering, are considered in public discussions regarding damage prevention.

Prior to her NUCA career, Brenda was the executive director for the 43rd Pennsylvania State Senate District for almost seven years. She started out in the state House of Representatives in 1985 as a legislative assistant. Her voluminous legislative knowledge has been invaluable for her members in negotiating the complicated policy corridors in Harrisburg and the state’s regulatory agencies. She is the recipient of the 2020 "WE DIG AMERICA" award from the National Utility Contractors Association based in Fairfax, Virginia, USA.