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Mardi 22 Mars, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:45 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT | 15 minutes

Geoff Zeiss


Jonathan Murphy

10:00 AM EDT - 10:30 AM EDT | 30 minutes

The 2012 DT-DICT (Building without destroying) reform in France aims to prevent damage to utility networks. This legislation places heavy constraints on stakeholders because it requires them to georeference all networks in the vicinity of construction work with centimetric accuracy by 2032, everywhere in the country. Patrice Lemire, CEO ...

Patrice Lemire

10:30 AM EDT - 10:45 AM EDT | 15 minutes
10:45 AM EDT - 11:15 AM EDT | 30 minutes

Albeit industry efforts, over 1 million underground utilities are annually hit around the world, with estimated damages exceeding $100 billion, not considering billions invested in technologies and inefficient processes aimed to protect utilities during earthworks operations. Available utility data is usually unreliable, and even if data is accurate, the excavator operator may still damage a utility.  

Yuval Barnea

11:15 AM EDT - 11:30 AM EDT | 15 minutes
11:30 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Gyroscopic mapping of underground ducts and pipes has been around for a few decades now, and it continues to gain traction amongst the worlds' utilities as an accurate and unique technology. Nevertheless, the market perception until now is that Gyro-mapping, as it's also often referred to, is more expensive than traditional mapping and locating technologies.         And although that perception is true, it is not due to the cost of the technology, but rather...

Otto Ballintijn

12:00 PM EDT - 12:15 PM EDT | 15 minutes
12:15 PM EDT - 12:45 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Arising 3-D modeling, visualization, and design software (e.g., BIM, VDC) greatly enhance advanced project designs with sophisticated risk analytics and conflict resolutions that accommodate existing infrastructure and enable proactive/predictive engineering and construction.  However, without standardized and accurate utility data, new advanced digital project delivery and damage prevention technologies are compromised...

Philip Meis

12:45 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT | 15 minutes
1:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT | 30 minutes

As the world continues to grow and urbanize, new urban infrastructure is being constructed at an unprecedented rate while old world infrastructure is being replaced and upgraded.  This has lead to a greater demand for accurate and current utility locating and mapping. This demand is further exacerbated by the fact that infrastructure construction costs continue to rise and the slightest delay or extra cost associated with insufficient utility locating has an...

Joseph Hlady

1:30 PM EDT - 1:45 PM EDT | 15 minutes
1:45 PM EDT - 2:15 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Digitizing and project management for infrastructure can be a complicated walled process. Leveraging Scribble Maps can allow for the rapid creation of vector data based on paper maps. Further, productivity and ROI can be improved by the leveraging of non-formally trained GIS employees via GIS managers.

Jonathan Wagner

2:15 PM EDT - 2:30 PM EDT | 15 minutes
2:30 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT | 30 minutes

This presentation will be focusing on the advancement of "Cloud and Mobile" technologies that are currenlty being used to easily and accurately map assets and underground utilities that can be shared, re-located and leveraged thoughout the many project phases.It is critical that data accruacy and integrity is leveraged and accumulated throughout every phase of the BIM procress, creating a live "digital twin" all the way back to t...

Bill McIntyre

3:00 PM EDT - 3:15 PM EDT | 15 minutes
3:15 PM EDT - 3:45 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Utilities and their Contractor Organizations have traditionally been responsible for the safe and effective construction of new underground facilities. An important aspect of the construction process is the accurate documentation and location of the newly installed assets for update into the Utilities’ Geographic Information Systems, Work Management Systems and Asset Repositories. This process is typically performed via paper-based folders that may contain missing or incorrect attribute da...

Danny Petrecca


Robert Schultz

3:45 PM EDT - 4:00 PM EDT | 15 minutes
4:00 PM EDT - 4:45 PM EDT | 45 minutes

Abstract:The total cost of underground infrastructure damage in Canada during excavation work is estimated to be over $1 billion dollars annually. The primary cause of these damage incidents is the lack of reliable information on the location and other information about buried utilities and other infrastructure. The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Register project is intended to improve the current damage prevention process by providing access to reliable data t...

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